Dear colleagues,
The overall T. denitrificans reaction is:
8NO3(-) + 3FeS(*) --> 4N2 + 5SO4(2-) + 4 H2O + 2H(+)
(*) The resuting acid (2H+) is the same, no matter the source of electrons
used (thiosulfate, metl sulfide or hydrogen sulfide)
Please, Rico, notice that anaerobuic chemoliotrophy is not that easy. When
H2S is used as electron source (reducing and power) most bacteria of this
group are inhibited. Then NO3- is reduced by other ways, generally leading
to the production of ammonia instead of N2 (g). This process is called
DNRA (Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia) and it hard to find in
Microbiology handbooks.
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. (1993). 13: 82-92
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. (1996). 21: 131-138
Rico Coolen wrote:
> High Group Michael,
>> I do not know if it does but would not nitric acid be more logic. From
> nitrate NO4- tot S03- - is a long way to go.
>> Rico Coolen
>> Michael Lodders heeft geschreven in bericht
> <74jmqd$jeu$1 at>...
> >hi out there,
> >
> >does anyone know whether t. denitrificans produces sulfuric acid when
> >reducing nitrate or not?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Sibylle Weymar
> >TU Braunschweig
> >Germany
> >e-mail s.weymar at> >
> >
> >
Jesús Garcia-Gil
Secció de Microbiologia Tel: +34 72 418175
Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica Fax: +34 72 418150
Universitat de Girona
Campus de Montilivi
E-17071 Girona (Spain)