does thiobacillus denitrificans produce acid?

Rico Coolen ricoco at worldonline.nl
Thu Dec 10 13:48:15 EST 1998

Hallo groep / Lesley,

Thanks for the information.
Now you mentione is I remember. Its been too long ago.

Rico Coolen

Lesley Robertson heeft geschreven in bericht
<366F9C6A.6642E4C7 at stm.tudelft.nl.removethis>...
>Rico Coolen wrote:
>> High Group Michael,
>> I do not know if it does but would not nitric acid be more logic. From
>> nitrate NO4- tot S03- - is a long way to go.
>I'm afraid that you don't understand what is going on here. Thiobacillus
>denitrificans is an obligate autotroph that gets its energy for growth by
>oxidizing sulphide or thiosulphate. If it uses oxygen as electron
>acceptor, every mol of reduced sulphut compound is converted into a mol of
>sulphuric acid. If it uses nitrate (NO3- by the way), sulphate (SO4=) is
>produced, together with some sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Anyone interested in
>more info could consult basic microbiology texts (Schelegel? Brock?), the
>Prokaryotes, or Berget's Manual, but the redox balances are simple enough
>to work out.
>Lesley Robertson

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