does thiobacillus denitrificans produce acid?

Rico Coolen ricoco at worldonline.nl
Wed Dec 9 15:36:14 EST 1998

High Group Michael,

I do not know if it does but would not nitric acid be more logic. From
nitrate NO4- tot S03- - is a long way to go.

Rico Coolen

Michael Lodders heeft geschreven in bericht
<74jmqd$jeu$1 at rzcomm2.rz.tu-bs.de>...
>hi out there,
>does anyone know whether t. denitrificans produces sulfuric acid when
>reducing nitrate or not?
>Sibylle Weymar
>TU Braunschweig
>e-mail s.weymar at tu-bs.de

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