Research Associate position available immediately to work in a
federally-funded project on cloning and expression of bacterial hem genes.
The candidate should be a relatively recent Ph.D. with two years of hands on
molecular biological experience and familiarity with recent computer
software and biomedical databases. Preference will be given to those with
background in the fields of bacteriology, genetics and heme-biochemistry.
The appointment will initially be up to 31st of August 1999, with
possibility of renewal subject to the availability of funds and progress of
the project work. Interested individuals should submit a resume', copies of
publications and transcripts, and have at least two letters of reference to
be sent directly to Dr. Debabrata Majumdar (Department of Biology, Norfolk
State University, Norfolk, VA, 23504, USA. Phone 804-683-2543, Fax
804-683-8306, email: dm at Foreign candidates should also send
notarized or certified copies of all post-secondary transcripts, specialized
licenses, diplomas and training courses.
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