This is very creative. I'm impressed.
> Converts 0.8 pounds into pennies (80p-ase)
> Makes a water powered laser
> Generates crossings on roads which traverse America
> A secret Russian weapon designed to undermine the American way of life
> Splits up extended families (from Kin meaning relative + ase meaning
> split up)
>>>Starch Synthetase
> Found in instant mash powder
> Increaces the elivation of Suc
> Destroys hydrogen
> Makes your hair blond
> This one never tells the truth
> There ain't no sutch animal (your teacher is having you on!)
> Reverses the De-Carboxylase reaction
> Reverses the Carboxylase reaction
>>>Hope this helps
>NPC rights activist | Nameless Abominations are people too.