Cyanobacterial Bibliography On-line

Dr. Mark schneegurt.1 at nd.edu
Thu May 29 13:42:36 EST 1997

CyBib v1.0 contains over 4000 references about cyanobacteria.  It can be
found at this URL: 


CyBib is a bibliographic database exclusively for scientific literature
about cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). The entire
database has been parked on the Internet to provide a resource for
researchers and students involved with cyanobacteria. 

CyBib v1.0 is the first generation of the database to be presented on the
Internet. It contains over 4000 references. These
references were collected by Jeff Elhai, known for his Internet outreach
work as the founder, editor, and publisher of
CyanoNews. The text has been formatted, tagged, and compressed for
distribution on the Internet.

CyBib v1.0 contains only references to studies on cyanobacteria and
Prochlorons. Articles merely related to cyanobacteria
(e.g., molecular methods, plant photosynthesis, freshwater ecology) are
not cited here. The database is most
comprehensive for the 1990's, although many earlier references also are
included. The most recent references cover about
the first half of 1996.

Dr. Mark.

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