Microbial Artificial Intelligence

Tom Dougherty Doughert at synapse.bms.com
Tue May 27 17:14:35 EST 1997

In article <ADDWqXpuB5 at wlab.freenet.kiev.ua>, ivanov at wlab.freenet.kiev.ua (Vladimir Ivanov) says:
>>  To make
>>   statements such as" the network is grown/created under the
>>   learning action of a computer" are meaningless.  How would you
>>   propose to control the growth of a fungal mycelium by a computer?
>Computer is  needed  to  generate the set  of electric impulses
>which stimulate  not the elongation  of hyphae but branching  of
>hyphae and   anastomosis  between  the   hyphaes  of   different
>polarity. These "learning" impulses  are  a  stimulus  to create
>the  "pseudoneural"  net  of  hyphaes  to accept the conditional
>electric signal.
>>  Many come here to obtain technical information on real microbiology
>   problems.
>Sorry, the  discussions  about   the specificity of the media to
>cultivate the bacteria is not a way to  a future. Most prominent
>achievements  were    made  on   the  boundaries   between   the
>Vladimir Ivanov

I believe you misunderstand my whole point.  My plea was simply that
we stick to issues and discussions that are somewhat "on topic" and
have some rigour.  I am not adverse to answering questions from either
colleagues or students about areas that I have some knowledge, experience
or expertise. I find it very useful to read many of the postings on this
group.  I am simply saying that if you are going to take up the amount of
bandwidth your original article consumed, you should make an argument or
point in a technically rigourous manner.  The statements you make are
provocative; I'm asking that if you choose to make such statements,
that you give us some (published) basis for them.  Otherwise, your long
treatise comes across as an extremely theoretical, somewhat self serving
thesis with little support.  If you do have a genuine idea, then you owe
it to yourself to lay out the supporting evidence.

...And BTW, you DO have to worry about such seeming trivialites as media,
althought that wasn't my point.  Most fungi I know require some nutrient
to sustain them, and if you don't have the right amount, they may continue
to grow, make new connections, and spoil your whole neural net.... or they
may die, spoiling your whole neural net.

Thomas J. Dougherty

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