Microbial Artificial Intelligence

Tom Dougherty Doughert at synapse.bms.com
Thu May 15 18:48:32 EST 1997

In article <ACjSiUpuB5 at wlab.freenet.kiev.ua>, ivanov at wlab.freenet.kiev.ua (Vladimir Ivanov) says:

>I am very glad to contact with another  biologists and  computer
>specialists   which   are  interesting   in   the   problem   of
>biocomputer.The  following idea seems  a  little  bit phantastic
>but I am sure that  the creation of  microbial  "brain"  is very
>real and useful thing.

>Prof.Vladimir Ivanov
>Department of Microbiology  and General Immunology,

>             by Vladimir N.  Ivanov
>Department of  Microbiology   and   General   Immunology,Ukrainian
>National   University,  60  Vladimirskaya  St.,Kiev,252017,Ukraine
>E-mail : ivanov at wlab.freenet.kiev.ua
>ABSTRACT.Microbial chip  ("artificial  intelligence")   may   be
>created as  a   pseudo-neural network  grown  as   mycelium   of
>fungy.This  network is  grown/created under  the learning action
>of computer   .Such  chip will be very cheap.Notwithstanding the
>low rate of fuzzy logic operations such chip may  be useful  for
>the  solving   the   anthropomorphic    problems   and  for  the

Look, no offense, but this really seems more like a posting for
the X-Files page.  I realize there is some legitimate research
being performed on biochips, but these kinds of general semi-
philosophical postings are really kind of off topic.  To make 
statements such as" the network is grown/created under the 
learning action of a computer" are meaningless.  How would you
propose to control the growth of a fungal mycelium by a computer?
If you are going to suggest something, please try to state the
proposition in some sort of rigourous manner.  This really borders
on the college dorm late night BS sessions.  There are other forums
for these kinds of postings.  Many come here to obtain technical
information on real microbiology problems.  Sorry to seem so
harsh, but the number of these postings seems to be on the increase
as the number of questions about microbiology problems/issues
Tom Dougherty

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