Straighting out the facts about evolution...

User User
Fri May 23 12:05:46 EST 1997

rmcleod at radix.net (Rmcleod) writes: > 
> You did not start at the very beginning.  If anyone can answer this
> question, I'll probably believe evolution. 
>  Here is the question, 
> IF you take every single evolutionary change backwards.  From what did
> the whole process begin, and WHERE did that (atom?) come from?
> Now if you want to believe that slime on a rock, or as you called it
> soup, evolved into you and me fine.  
> If you want toe believe that there have been mutations that are
> beneficial and lasting, fine. 
>  If you want to allow for the environment to make choices, luck, and
> good mistakes in your evolutionary past, fine.  
> I would prefer that an all-knowing God simply created everything out
> of nothing. 
>  In your line of thinking at some point something had to appear from
> nothing.  
> Answer that and I'll seriously consider my beliefs.
> Rmcleod

I would hope that in the future this forum will be used to elucidate answers to questions regarding 
microbiology.  Answering a question about evolution with a religious tome
is not what this forum as about.  

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