Agrobacterium rhizogenes

Dr Alok Adholaya aloka at teri.ernet.in
Fri May 23 01:41:12 EST 1997

Dear Netters,

Please let me know if there are working protocols for using
Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated transformation for tree species.
If there are information available for how many species are already
being transformed with a specific protocol i would be intrested in
knowing with particular refrence to most appropriate stage for
attempting transformation in explants and conditions which are
required to be maintained of the hairy roots.
 //=\           Alok Adholeya, Ph.D
 \=//           Fellow
  //=\          Microbial Biotechnology
  \=//          TATA Energy Res Inst
   //=\         Habitat Place
   \=//         Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
    //=\        India
    \=//        Tel. +91-11-4622246, Ext/Voice:2609

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