Dear Symbiosis researchers,
INDO-FRENCH round table meeting on " Understanding host
plant-mycorrhizal fungus compatibility : Recognition, ontogeny and
physiology during early root infection" sponsored by CEFIPRA (
Centre Franco-Indien Pour La Promotion De La Recherche Avancee )
Organized by INRA, Equpipe Microbiologie Forestieres Nancy Paris,
France and TERI, New Delhi, India.
This meeting would focus on the the current trend of Mycorrhiza
research in India and France. The venue is at TERI, New Delhi
India and would be held in last week of August,1997.
Central theme of this meeting encompasses that during the last
decade the research in plant-microbe interaction has been
progressing fast, as new technologies like molecular biology has
entered the field.. Such fast development implies that frequent
meetings are more than ever necessary to maintain a good
comminication between scientist. Considering tha large number of
scientist working on mycorrhizae in France and India there is too
little collaboration betwen both the countries. An Indo-Drench
Round table should contribute to fill this gap
This is a first initiative of Mycorrhiza network at TERI and TERI
Asia to initiate linkages and scientific collaboration. Many more
such initiatives are expected to come suggestions pertaining above
are most welcome.
A proceeding of the round table meeting would be available. As
limited copies would be made colleauges intrested can send there
request to me ( aloka at ).
//=\ Alok Adholeya, Ph.D
\=// Fellow
//=\ Microbial Biotechnology
\=// TATA Energy Res Inst
//=\ Habitat Place
\=// Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
//=\ India
\=// Tel. +91-11-4622246, Ext/Voice:2609