SS32 at (MacFS User) wrote:
>i'm trying to purify a HIS TAGGED protein on nickel-NTA RESIN, >from
qiagen. i'm having very little binding and very poor recovery . i >need to
purify under native conditions , does anyone have any >suggestions please.
please reply to ss32 at
>leicester university
Dear Shital,
There are many possible reasons that your protein may not be binding
efficiently to the Ni-NTA resin. QIAGEN Technical Service (01293-422-999 in
the UK) can help you analyze the cause of the problem and help you improve
the binding and recovery of your protein. The latest edition of the
QIAexpressionist also contains many helpful hints for purification of
proteins under native conditions. You can obtain a copy from QIAGEN
Technical Service, or on-line at
QIAGEN Technical Services
US: 1-800-426-8157
Germany: 02103-892-230