I have read various books on evolution and the early earth and here's
my interpration. Please correct and help me get the FACTS straight.
The early earth had an atmosphere of: water vapor, carbon dioxide,
salts, lightning, UV radiation, and lots of heat. All this helped to
create amino acids, fatty lipids, nucleotide bases, mineral salts all
together to form a thick soup over many years. The amino acids, when
by the energy of the atmosphere (lightning, UV), behaved like magnets
began to attract to one another in various orders helping to form
types of proteins. At the same time, the 4 nucleotide bases (A,T,G,C)
combined with sugar phosphates and with energy from the atmosphere
began to
drift randomly to join and form a nucleic acid chain. Soon the
side of the nucleic acid chain joined to make the chain more stable
the DNA double stranded chain.
Some of the various proteins being formed turned out to be useful.
Some could
check out the nucleic acid chain and begin transcribing it to an
amino acid sequence (a new protein). Also, despite the fact that the
acid chain could self replicate by easily attracting a complimentary
nucleotide base (A<->T, G<->C), some proteins helped improve the
dramatically in speed and accuracy. By luck, fatty lipids formed
around some
DNA chains and proteins thereby helping to make them contained in a
erratic environment. As time goes on, many DNA chains and proteins
are wiped
out by the violent soup and atmosphere but some continue to survive.
By luck, through various DNA replication errors, various new useful
come about for a cell helping in its coninued survival. These
proteins give
the cell an edge over other cells and this cell is able to replicate
offspring quicker and better than everyone else. Soon this cell and
offspring become the dominate while the others die off. Thanks to
errors, radiation, chemicals, random adding/deleting because of the
enviroment/an enzyme, etc. the DNA chain gets many variations in its
and expands in size. With the changing DNA code comes more variety to
help the
cell survive and dominate.
The cell (bacteria like) soon becomes more and more complex in its
continued game of survive
and thrive in this certain environment. With incredible mutations and
over many millions of years and the enviroment playing the unforgiving
SELECTOR of who is best fit for the environment to continue and
dominate, incredibly complex
organisms appear such as fish. Eventually over many more years
and fittest offspring lead to the land animals...
Is the above an accurate portrayal of how life began or did I mess up
(a bit)
Please, if you can correct me, I'd be forever in debt to you. THANKS!
[Could you reply to me through EMAIL, thanks]
(ljaques at odyssey.on.ca)