[Fwd: Undeliverable Message]

Tihomir Varda tihi at hermes.si
Tue May 20 01:46:39 EST 1997

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  Tihomir Varda                  e.mail: - tihi at hermes.si     
  HERMES SoftLab                 www: ---- http://www.hermes.si/
  Maribor division               phone: -- +386 62 30 00 770 801 
  Kardeljeva 100                 fax: ---- +386 62 30 00 770 816
  2000 Maribor                   home: --- +386 62 22 57 67           

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To:            <microbio at net.bio.net>
Subject:       Help?

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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------
I am looking for some information related employment opportunities for
microbiologist in Ontario, Canada. Prefered Toronto area.

Please e.mail me on: tihi at hermes.si

Thanks for any kind of help in advance.

Best regards,



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