Enrichment media with sulphide

Dave Roberts dmr at nhm.ac.uk
Tue May 20 03:21:43 EST 1997

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any advice to offer about the composition of an
enrichment medium for organisms from an acidic, high sulphide environment
(volcanic discharge environment).  Chemical analysis indicates that there
is 1 - 2 mM H2S which I assume to be the primary electron acceptor but
does not reveal a source of nitrogen or phosphorous in the system.

I want to maintain and gently enrich samples in the search for
phagotrophic eukaryotes.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

Thanks,  Dave

Dr D.McL. Roberts,        Tel: +44 171 938 8790
Dept. Zoology,            Fax: +44 171 938 9158
The Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road,
London        SW7 5BD
Great Britain             Email: dmr at nhm.ac.uk

Dr D.McL. Roberts,        Tel: +44 171 938 8790
Dept. Zoology,            Fax: +44 171 938 9158
The Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road,
London        SW7 5BD
Great Britain             Email: dmr at nhm.ac.uk

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