Ardamine PH???????????????

Ching-chang Chen ccchen at ibmsrv.cc.nthu.edu.tw
Sat May 17 01:32:27 EST 1997

  Is there anyone use Ardamine PH as a composition of bacteria cultivation
medium?? What is the compsition of  Ardamine PH?? Or who can tell me where
I can find the information?? Thank you a lot!!

Best Regards,
| Dept. of Chemical Engineering   |   Name: Ching-chang Chen (³¯¼y³¹)  | 
| National Tsinghua University    | e-mail: ccchen at bioeng.ttit.edu.tw  | 
| HsinChu, Taiwan, ROC. 30043     |  Phone: 886-3-5715131 ext.3697     |

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