Chris Freeman cfreeman at lightspeed.bc.ca
Wed May 14 20:51:47 EST 1997

I am trying to tell as many people as I can about this new web site that's
doing a really unique and amazing thing for endangered rainforests in
Central America. The site's called http://www.exploration.net/ and it has a
search page (http://www.exploration.net/search/ that is donating 1 cent for
every click it receives toward the direct purchase of endangered rainforest
in Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaraugua, and Honduras. 

The page is also really useful in its own right. It takes Yahoo, Alta
Vista, Infoseek,
Excite, Lycos, Yahooligans and puts them into a single quick-to-click
interface. I use it and find it makes my larger search operations easier.
So cool, I'm using and a helpful tool and saving rainforest at the same

If you aren't interested in this thing, perhaps you can pass this letter on
to someone you think might be. It' s for the environment first and

Think of this...

If for just 1 year only 1 million individual use this search page only 100
times, then that works out to 1 million dollars being used to purchase
endangered Rainforest land.  Imagine the possibilities!

This is a chance to save what's left of the vital Rainforest that still

This is one of those rare and truly positive outcomes from the advertising
industry on the Internet.

How do we know how much money is being given?  It's really cool - there is
a money counter just like on a telethon that counts by 1 penny every time
the page is accessed so you know exactly how well the campaign is doing!

Please, Help me spread the word to those who would want to use it!

Thank you so much for reading this!

now visit http://exploration.net/search/ 
with Netscape 2 or Internet Explorer 3

Chris Freeman,
cfreeman at lightspeed.bc.ca 

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