Spore growth:bacillus subtilus

benlan benlan at idirect.com
Wed May 14 16:55:25 EST 1997

I work at a Canadian medical device manufacturing company, and we are
currently validating our ethylene oxide sterilization cycle.  We use
paper strips carrying 1X10(6) spores of bacillus subtilus var. niger to
indicate sterility.  I know very little about the nature of growth of
these spores, and I am concerned about the effect, if any of holding
these strips at a temp. of 115F, and an RH of 60%.  Do these conditions
inhibit or do they promote growth of these spores?

I would appreciate it if someone could respond to this question to my
email address, as i'm relatively new to newsgroups...

Please contact me (Carolyn) at benlan at idirect.com


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