sanitation in food plant

R Molony molab at ww.co.nz
Sat May 10 14:03:10 EST 1997

pmagee at aol.com (Pmagee) wrote:

>Would like a reference for cleaning tanks in food plant.  What is method
>to assure that all yeast are killed - time, temperature,  chemical
>concentrations to use (hypochlorite or caustic solution).  Steam
>sterilizing is not possible.

Standard procedure is alkali clean followed by hypochlorite or similar
Rinse with water
Clean using alkali 1/2% soda ash or 1/4% Caustic 
    Klenzade Esteem is a suitable commercial product.
Rinse with water.
Sanitise with sodium hypochlorite solution 100 ppm Chlorine
  for not less than 20 min or more than 30 mins.
Rinse with sterile water (may contain 5 ppm chlorine).

Upper limit on chlorine is due to the risk of stainless steel damage.
other suitable sanitisers are peroxyacetic acid (expensive)

Remember effective cleaners and sanitisers are hazardous materials
Bugs are made of protein, People are made of protein, if it does not 
dissolve peple it will not dissolve bugs.

molab at ww.co.nz

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