
Jeff L. Miller jlmiller at usgs.gov
Fri May 9 09:16:35 EST 1997

>	You are quite correct, evolution is a complex phenomenon and its 
>role is still subject to much discussion and debate.  Keep in mind that 
>nature is amoral, there are no "good" or "bad" aspects to the natural 

I'm sorry if there is such a thing as evolution it is still a plan not an
accident. Someone or something is driving that plan. How would you evolve an
eye or a wing (and give it as many millions of years as you like)? I suppose
it is an accident that you all learned to study biology. No it was a plan.
The world is awesomely and wonderfully made look into your microscope and 
tell me it's not. 

>world, it simply is. There are no real "driving forces", there do not 
>need to be.  As Douglas Futuyma states in his excellent text Evolutionary 
>Biology, "Neither natural selection nor any of the other mechanisms 
>(ecological, genetic, geographic, etc., my addition) are providential; 
>natural selection, for example, is merely the superior survival or reproduction 
>of some genetic variants compared to others under whatever environmental 
>conditions happen to prevail at the moment.  Thus natural selection 
>cannot equip a species to face novel future contingencies, and it has no 
>purpose or goal-not even survival of the species." 
>	All of those factors which ultimately drive the changes in the 
>genome of a population can lead to evolution, since this is ultimately 
>what evolution is- accumulation of variation in the genome, either through 
>mutation, selection, drift, or other factors.  If some of the the factors 
>which promote such variation enhance the survival of the individual 
>species, then that species wins.  I hope this helps.

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