Great Shareware for the Lab

Chris Baba cbaba at erols.com
Thu May 8 19:41:13 EST 1997

If you work in a lab as I do, you should try out the Chemical Calculator
program which I wrote.
    Chemical Calculator (tm) is a shareware program designed for
chemists, biologists and other scientific professionals. Its main
purpose is to perform the calculations involved in the calculation of
the amount of reagent to use when mixing up solutions.  Chemical
Calculator is a shareware program.  You can use a fully functional
version for 90 days and if you like it you can register it for $30.00. 
If you don't register Chemical Calculator you can still use a slightly
disabled version for free after the 90 day trial period.  Requires
Windows 3.1 or later.  More information is available on the Chemical
Calculator Web Site: "http://www.erols.com/cbaba".  The program can also
be downloaded from there.

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