LIFE vs DEATH (seeking answers)

Rumple Stiltzski ogr81 at nospam.computan.on.ca
Wed May 7 11:09:40 EST 1997

hefeng at cz3.nus.sg wrote:

>Hi! I am a high school student fascinated by the phenomena of life. I've
>just discovered the wonder of Usenet so I've been posted a lot recently.
>One thing I want to ask is that what exactly happens when life leaves a
>living organism. Physically I don't see anything much has happened. We
>still got roughly, if not exactly, the same amount of matter there, but
>still something must have happened, since it's now dead!
>So what is it?
>If we consider life as an open system could we say that it's gone though
>bifurcation and has 'jumped' to another state which is commonly called
>Life is certainly a strange phenomena. If we construct a system and throw
>in some nutrients and a living organism, some time later we find two
>organisms in the system. But if we throw in a DEAD organism, nothing will
>happen no matter how long we wait.

>Isn't it kind of odd?

>Thank you.


This question has been pondered for centuries, in many scientific (and
otherwise, such as philosophy, theology) forums such as physics,
anthropology, biology etc. and the solution to one question only leads
to a myriad of others.
     I am not a scientist myself, you so can gauge how much
credibility you would like to lend my theory.
     There is a form of light, as of yet undetected by human eye or
aperatus, that dictates a large amount of survival instincts for life
on our planets.  This 'colour' varies in 'hue, depth, degree' etc. and
depending on how certain parts of the brain respond, tell the
biological creature what to do.  For example, there is a hue of
undetected light that tells a bird to fly south; another that drives
the lemmings over cliffs, and another that breaths life into potential
     This light, like all light, is an energy, and it sparks the gap
between existance and non-existance much the way a sparkplug does in a
     The knowledge of this light is very muddled at the moment, and
the insinuations of it go by many different names.  Myself, I call it
God for lack of better word.
     Thanx for your time.  Take care.
>He Feng
>e904952p at hjc.edu.sg
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