conclution on the question of evolution (He Feng)

Alec Cawley alec at cawley.demon.co.uk
Tue May 6 16:04:05 EST 1997

It was said by Richard Steele that
>Christopher C. Wood wrote 
>>We only have one environment to study.  I believe current research
>>shows a small handful of hundreds of millions of years between the end
>>of the planet's bombardment/formation, and the first cells.  If a
>>process that takes 200,000,000 years can be called "springs out", then
>>the answer is "so far, yes."
>etc ...
>>Speaking only for myself, of course.
>And speaking to an awful lot of people who *don't* want to know!
>Clear all the ruddy crossposts off this thing!!!

Richard - you don't speak for everyone. Despite the crosspostedness of
it, I find the sensible replies to a serious, if slightly naive,
question of interest and value. As long as it isn't flaming, it isn't
off topic in alue - but *you* are.


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