questions about embryos

Francois JEANMOUGIN pingouin at crystal.u-strasbg.fr
Mon May 5 03:37:52 EST 1997

In article <862648806.30339 at dejanews.com>,
	hefeng at cz3.nus.sg writes:
> Could it be that what is stored in the embryo is a simple mapping, some
> instructions telling the embryo how to evolve.[...]

	A simple map.... No, it's a colection of data that is express
under circonstances. THe difficulty is not to decode that data (for us),
it is to understand the mechanisms of interaction between the proteins
and higher structures and the data (the genome). The level of complexity
in interactions, give the level of complexity in evolution (or about).


P.S.: The neural network is NOT coded in the genome. It results of
interactions and stimuli that are interpreted regarding the genome.
P.P.S.: All what I wrote is a big reduction of the reality.
P.P.S.: So much newsgroup? well so FollowUp-To: talk.origins (sorry if
I don't read this group...)
Francois Jeanmougin
Service de bioinformatique / bioinformatics service
IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France
tel :(France) 03 88 65 32 71 / (international) (+33) 3 88 65 32 71
e-mail : jeanmougin at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
"C'est pas parcequ'on monte au banc, qu'il faut descendre a jeun." (Thiefaine)

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