conclution on the question of evolution (He Feng)

Chris Colby colby at biology.bu.edu
Mon May 5 06:40:08 EST 1997

Richard Steele wrote:

> >Hi! I am the high school student who raised the question on evolution.
> >Since then I've received quite a number of responses.

> I'll bet even *more* told you to bog off.  Can't you take a hint?

It's a high school kid curious about evolution. Do you have to be such
an asshole? Is it bad to foster kid's interest in biology and science?

> >I'd like to thank all those who have kindly shared their knowledge and
> >thoughts with me.

> <INSIGHT>  Another tosser on line  </INSIGHT>

He's thanking people for responding, and you call him a tosser? Oh, the
irony. Get bent Richard.

> Richard - Whose nice comfy chair by the fire has a new squeak !

Chris Colby

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