
Marc Buhler mbuhler at MAIL.USYD.EDU.AU
Sat May 3 19:33:05 EST 1997

> From: bator at ELYSIUM.RUTGERS.EDU
> Subject: (none)
> Date: 3 May 1997 10:58:33 -0700
> I am a grad stud. in Science Ed. doing a project on drug resistant TB.
> Can you suggest some internet resources and graphics I can use for my
> presentation? I would like to include info on genomics and combinatorial
> chemistry. Thanks
> bator at eden.rutgers.edu

One web site to try is at Brown Univ.

The other (I e-mailed previously to you), Stanford Univ. TB research

I hope these are of interest, and I'm sure that you can find other pages
with a general web search.  Good luck.

(signed) marc


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