NE-Section SIM Meeting - May 29

Theodore C. Crusberg crusberg at WPI.EDU
Sat May 3 10:17:25 EST 1997

Society for Industrial Microbiology
New England Section
Spring Meeting - 1997

Thursday May 29, 1997
Lincoln Campus Cednter/Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst
Morning Session - Microbial Polymers of Industrial Significance (CC163)

 9:30       Registration - Lobby
10:00       Steven Goodwin - Functionally Substituted Polyhydroxanoates
10:45       Tilman Gerngross - Industrial Production of Polyhydroxanoates
11:25       David Tirell - Bioengineering of Artificial Protein Based
12:15       Lunch (hot buffet with meat, fish and vegetarian choices)
                 (10th floor Campus Center (CC1009)

Afternoon Session:  Graduate Education for Industry (CC163)

1:45        Introduction
1:50        Barbara Osborne - Genetic Regulation of Cell Death
2:25        Panel - Frank Cannon - Moderator:  "Graduate Education and the
               Global Economy"
3:30        Student Poster Session and Wine and Cheese Reception

Host:  Dr. Richard Mudgett, Food Science Department, Chenoweth
       Laboratories UMass, Amherst, MA 01003

Registration for program:  SIM members and non-members        $20.00
                           Student SIM members and non-members  $5.00

Send ck. payment made out to NE-SIM to Richard Mudgett at the above
address.  Fee includes luncheon and wine and cheese reception.

Send student (graduate student or senior thesis project) poster session
information with authors names, affiliation(s) and title  along with your
check for registration as above.   

Jean-Francois Hamel, MIT, President, Richard W. Traxler, URI, Vice
President,  Ted Crusberg, WPI, Treasurer, Richard Mudgett, UMass, 

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