LIFE vs DEATH (seeking answers)

hefeng at cz3.nus.sg hefeng at cz3.nus.sg
Sat May 3 04:21:05 EST 1997

Hi! I am a high school student fascinated by the phenomena of life. I've
just discovered the wonder of Usenet so I've been posted a lot recently.
One thing I want to ask is that what exactly happens when life leaves a
living organism. Physically I don't see anything much has happened. We
still got roughly, if not exactly, the same amount of matter there, but
still something must have happened, since it's now dead!
So what is it?
If we consider life as an open system could we say that it's gone though
bifurcation and has 'jumped' to another state which is commonly called
Life is certainly a strange phenomena. If we construct a system and throw
in some nutrients and a living organism, some time later we find two
organisms in the system. But if we throw in a DEAD organism, nothing will
happen no matter how long we wait.
Isn't it kind of odd?
Please send in you enlightening responses via email at:
e904952p at hjc.edu.sg
Thank you.
He Feng
e904952p at hjc.edu.sg

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