> Recently I've thinking how can that enormous amount of information all be
> stored in one single embryo. Information describing a fully grown
> organism! In a sense a complete blueprint is in that embryo. How does
> happen?
> Could it be that what is stored in the embryo is a simple mapping, some
> instructions telling the embryo how to evolve?
> He Feng
>e904952p at hjc.edu.sg
Why, yes, that seems reasonable. Doesn't it? Research is going on all the
time to study step-by-step embryonic development. Breakthroughs are made
constantly in the area of cellular differentiation, which is the hot topic
in embryology these days. Since the DNA is the same in every single cell
of the body, there really is a finite amount of information which is being
utilized by each cell in a different way -- there must certainly also be a
line of code in the DNA telling each different kind of cell what DNA
sequences to read and what to ignore.
-- Ben M.