looking for subscription

TOBIAS HARVEY TEWS tt96ad at badger.ac.brocku.ca
Sat May 3 02:12:37 EST 1997

giuseppina sulas (giurma at mbox.vol.it) wrote:
: Dear sir:

: I would like to be a microbio at net.bio.net suscriber. We are two
: microbiologist partners owning a company named Biociencia located in
: Monterrey, N.L. mexico.

: thank you, Ramiro.

: ************************************************************************

: Dr. Ramiro Gonzalez Garza          Agustin Melgar 2317 Nte. Col. Reforma
: BioCiencia S.A. de C.V.            64550 Monterrey, N.L. Mexico
: biocienc at intercable.net            Tel y Fax (8) 372-6316 y 372-6827

: ************************************************************************

I am just curius, what does your company EXACTLY do?

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