Can you help me?...

Gabriela Martinez Trevi o m115990 at uach.mx
Fri May 2 16:57:30 EST 1997

I need help please!...
   A friend of my has a serious problem. He suffers from dhiarrea since four 
months ago. His physician detected after an analysis Dentamoeba Fragilis 
Trophozoites and Blastocystis Hominus. 
   The amoebas were eliminated with yodoxin (3 weeks) treatment but not the 
Blastocystis Hominus (a biologist, friend of him, told him that it was a 
new parasite and cure have not found yet. Normaly the organism eliminate 
this parasit).

 Could some body tell me if it is true?.

  After yodoxin treatment, his physician indicate him: 
   Metronidazole 1000 mg daily (2 weeks). This treatment does not work 
either to eliminate the Blastocystis.

   Actualy he has the follow treatment (two weeks after the treatment 
before ends):
  Metronidazole  1500 mg daily (during 2 weeks). 

1) Is the Metronidazole the apropiate mendicament for Blastocystis Hominus?.

2) Is the apropiate doses?.

3)  What could be the damage provocated by this parasit (blastocystis 


 Could some body send me information about this parasit (Blastocystis 
Hominus), tratment for eliminate it and sintomatology?

 Thanks in advance for your help.

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