naming tetracycline resistance genes

Koen A.L. De Smet k.desmet at nospam.ic.ac.uk
Wed Jul 30 03:43:02 EST 1997

We have identified and sequenced a gene conferring resistance to 
tetracycline by using an efflux system. We are now wondering about how 
to name it.

There are loads of tet genes already described, which are grouped in 
different classes named TetA, TetB, tetC etcetera, covering about half 
the alphabet. These are shown to be different by hybridisation analysis. 
Our gene does not show any homology to any of the sequenced genes (but 
not all classes have sequenced representatives).
We are now preparing a paper on this gene, soS we are wondering about 
how to call ite. Should we simply pick a letter that hasn't been used 
yet and call it tet* (with * standing for the letter selected)? Or give 
it a completely different name?

Is there an international body that assigns these names that we should 
contact first?

Any comments appreciated!

(To reply by email, remove "nospam." from the address)


        Dr Koen A.L. De Smet
        Research Fellow
        Department of Medical Microbiology
        Imperial College Medical School at St Mary's
        Norfolk Place
        London W2 1PG
        Great Britain
        Tel: (+44)-(0)171-594 3946  
        Fax: (+44)-(0)171-262-6299   

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