Nisha Singh wrote:
> We are seeking assistance in the preparation of pre-reduced media for
> the
> cultivation of anaerobic bacteria. We are using the preparation
> methods
> of Holdemann et al., Anaerobic Laboratory Manual, 4th edn. (1977).
> We
> have found that the indicator (resazurin) does not undergo a colour
> change after boiling, as recorded in the manual, ie. from purple to
> colourless in 5-10 min. In our experiments the indicator changes from
>> purple to pink in 20 min and does not change to colourless, even after
>> prolonged boiling. After cysteine hydrochloride addition and
> autoclaving, the indicator in the media changed from colourless to
> purple
> even when placed in an anaerobic chamber. Cooling the media under
> nitrogen gas after boiling has also been unsuccessful. Is anyone able
> to
> help us? Thank you
>> Loren Goldstone and Kimoni Rampersad
> Technikon Natal, Durban, South Africa
> E-mail: research at
Resazurin is also a pH indicator, so if the pH is below around 5 or 6, a
colour change may not occur. I would check the pH of the media to
ensure its pH indicator qualities are not affecting its activity as a
reductive indicator.
Mark Spanevello
Faculty of Science and Technology
Griffith Univeristy
Nathan Campus
Nathan, Qld, Australia, 4111
Ph: (07) 3875-7622
Fax: (07) 3875-7656
email : M.Spanevello at at