Symposium on Aquatic Microbiology - Call for Papers

Alan Godfree a.godfree at dial.pipex.com
Tue Jul 29 08:48:44 EST 1997

Society for Applied Bacteriology Symposium - Aquatic Microbiology 13-16 July

First Announcement and Call for Papers

The theme of the symposium is aquatic microbiology and will consist of keynote
presentations by internationally renowned scientists and offered papers.  The
symposium will cover ecology, microbiological pollution, extremophiles,
biofilms, methods and the microbiology of aquaculture and mariculture.  The main
symposium will consist of single sessions, but it is intended to hold a parallel
session on the subject of the microbiology of industrial and process waters.  In
addition to lectures there will be two practical workshops on the subjects of
methods in biofilm research and methods for the detection and identification of
aquatic microorganisms, indicators and pathogens.  There will also be a poster

The following are amongst the keynote speakers who will take part:

· Prof Brian Austin - Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
· Dr Anne Camper - Centre for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State   	
  University, USA
· Prof Rita Colwell - University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute,  USA
· Prof J Gwynfryn Jones - Freshwater Biological Association, UK
· Dr Dick van der Kooij - KIWA, the Netherlands
· Prof Betty Olson - University of California, USA
· Dr David Ward - Montana State University, USA

The Venue
The symposium will be held on the campus of the University of Lancaster, some
two miles south of the city of Lancaster which is situated in the north west of
England.  The University is easily reached by rail (3 hours from London) and by
road being adjacent to the M6 motorway.  For those arriving by air, the
University is within one hour’s drive of Manchester international airport and
there is also a regular train service from the airport.

Call for Papers
Offers of papers are invited in any of the following subject areas:

· biofilm development, structure and diversity
· biofilms in drinking water systems
· bioreactors for sewage and waste treatment
· microbiology of natural aquatic environments
· impacts of microbiological contamination of natural waters
· extremophiles in aquatic environments
· ecology of aquatic microorganisms
· methods of detection and identification
· microbiological aspects of aquaculture and mariculture

Papers will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Microbiology and will
be peer-reviewed.  Abstracts of not more than 300 words should be submitted no
later that 31 October 1997.  Authors will be notified whether their paper has
been accepted for presentation during December 1997.  Manuscripts of papers
accepted for oral presentation must be received no later than 1 April 1998.
Offers for posters, indicating the title and author(s), should be submitted by 1
April 1998.

Abstracts and details of posters can be submitted by post, fax or e-mail to: 

Alan Godfree
Public Health Section
North West Water
Dawson House, Great Sankey
Warrington   WA5  3LW

Fax +44 1925 233596
E-mail:  a.godfree at dial.pipex.com

The Society for Applied Bacteriology (SAB) is dedicated to the advancement of
the study of microbiology in its application to the environment, agriculture and
industry.  There are currently more than 1,700 members, many of whom are
resident outside the UK.  The SAB is represented on various appropriate national
and  international committees which have microbiological interests and
activities.  The Society, noted for its friendliness, welcomes new members of
all ages, striving to make them feel an integral part of the scientific
community.  The Society’s journals, published monthly, are the Journal of
Applied Microbiology (formerly Journal of Applied Bacteriology) and Letters in
Applied Microbiology.

PS  The Annual General Meeting of the Society held last week voted
overwhelmingly to change the name to the Society for Applied Microbiology in
recognition of the broad interests of the membership

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