Free charged publication in Microbiology Journals

John W. Patching 0001705S at Bodkin.UCG.IE
Tue Jul 22 06:13:38 EST 1997

>Alas, au contraire. Most journals have page charges (e.g. all of the ASM
>journals do)
>Glen Tamura
Most?  I can think of quite a few that do not. For Example:

Microbiology (the SGM journal)
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology.

The latter welcomes the submission of relevant papers - contact me for
instructions to authors etc. (Shameless plug!!)

 Dr.J. W. Patching
Senior Editor
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
The Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute
University College Galway, Ireland

Email: John.Patching at UCG.IE
Phone: +353-91-524411 Ext 2398
Fax:        +353-91-525005

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