Purple nonsulfur bacteria questions

Your Name Here labuser at waikato.ac.nz
Thu Jul 17 21:30:30 EST 1997

Hi I'm doning masters research into the nitrogen metabloism of the purple
nonsulfur bacteria. I have three requests.

Firstly does anyone knopw what a compatible solute is, it was mentioned in
the article announcing the discovery of Rhodospirillum salinarium, I have
never heard of this term before (wrt halophilic bacteria) and I was
wondering if somebody could fill me in.

Secondly my research group (at the University of Waikato New Zealand)
would be interested in hearing from anyone who could provide us with - or
tell us a reliable way of obtaining the Russian Purple nonsulfur bacteria
- Rhodopseudomonas julia and Rhodospirillum mediosalinarium both found by
Kompatseva (?). The latter and the articles announcing it (and probably
repealing it seeing as nobody seems to have worked with it since) are damn
hard to find in New Zealand, and the bacteria itself seems only to be
deposited in the Russian/Soviet culture collection which I'm loth to try
due to the unreliablilty of trying to mail order chemicals/bacteria out of
that country - I don't really know who to get in touch with and where etc
etc etc..

So if you could provide us with the bacteria - or information leading to
it; or the articles regarding it I would be very greatful.

Please respond to Rdw at studentmail.waikato.ac.nz; I am using a lab computer
to send this so the forwarding address sent with this message will be
spurious to confuse spammers and save our venerable Mac LCIII from harm.

Thanks very much

Robert Winefield

rdw at studentmail.waikato.ac.nz

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