This is to announce an updated version of the Hardin Meta Directory web
page for Microbiology/Infectious Diseases . All links have been checked to
confirm connection and new links have been added, including the following:
-Internet Microbiology & Infectious Disease Resources, Victorian
Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
-Infectious Disease WebLink, Paul Deziel, Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI
-Parasitological URL's, David Gibson, Natural History Museum, London, UK
A *new and important feature* for Hardin MD is that we are now using a
link checker to check the connection rate for the lists that are included.
Generally the lists with better connection rates are toward the top of
their size category (although size of the list is also a consideration in
placement). Lists on the updated Hardin MD Microbiology/Infectious
Diseases page with especially good connection rates include:
-MedMark - Infectious Diseases, DK Jang, MedMark Team, Korea
-Karolinska Institute MIC-KIBIC MeSH Index - Bacterial and Fungal Diseases
-Internet Microbiology & Infectious Disease Resources, Victorian
Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
-Karolinska Institute MIC-KIBIC MeSH Index - Virus Diseases
-Infectious Disease WebLink, Paul Deziel, Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI
-Martindale's Health Science Guide Virology
-Karolinska Institute MIC-KIBIC MeSH Index - Parasitic Diseases
Of course, using our link checker, the links on our own pages have
superlative connection rates, generally above 98%.
The URL for the Hardin Meta Directory Microbiology/Infectious Diseases
page is -
Please check it out !
Please post this message to appropriate listservs.
If you would like to receive e-mail notices for all Hardin MD updates (1-2
messages per wk), please e-mail me directly at rumsey at
* * * * * * * * *
Eric Rumsey, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
University of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242
<eric-rumsey at>
319-335-9875 (voice), 319-335-9897 (fax)
Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources
Reviewed in Consumer Reports, Feb 1997, p 29