US-NY: Job opportunity in tissue culture

Huntpharm huntpharm at aol.com
Tue Jul 15 06:33:50 EST 1997

I am looking for an research technician to perform tissue culture in a
tissue culture core facility. You need to have a BS or MS degree and know
how to do tissue culture or be willing to learn.  You will also be
responsible for maintaining cells, passaging and freezing down cell lines
and maintenance of records. We are a leading bio-tech firm with research
facilities in Tarrytown, New York and can provide excellent benefits
(health insurance, dental and vision plan, paid vacations and more. This
position will compenstate between 25k - 35k and will be based on
experience.  Please contact Scott Shanes by phone at 609-584-8733 EXT.
218, fax CV with cover letter to 609-584-9575 or E-Mail to
SIS at diedremoire.com or Neurohunt at aol.com.

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