Bioremediation HELP!

Paul Michniewicz ae159 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Mon Jul 14 12:56:16 EST 1997


I am doing some research into the area of bioremediation (the use of
micro-organisms to decompose polluted ecologies).  The focus of my study is
the biology and biochemistry of the biodegradation in petroleum polluted
soils.  Much of what I've found seems to be directed towards the design
and engineering of bioreactors and process.  I would like to focus my work
on the microbes themselves and degredation pathways for PAHs and aliphatic

If anyone out there knows of any good references, journal articles, texts,
or discussion groups, I would be most grateful if you could relay that
information to me.

thanks in advance,


Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing 
random digits is of course, in a state of sin.

				- John von Neumann

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