U. N. Known unknown at no.where
Sun Jul 13 09:54:35 EST 1997

In article <33c86248.16541131 at news.dvnexus.net> ncorp at usa.net writes:
>Myself careful to avoid any *sides* on this delicate thread, I do
>wish to point out that Yeshua ben Yusef a.k.a Immanuel a.k.a. Jesus
>Christ was born to a jewish mother, but his Father? Surely *not* a
>Jew or Gentile:
>Thus, Jesus Christ wasn't nor isn't *exactly* a Jew.

Oh, yes.  He was.  Being born of a Jewish mother, whatever your
dad is (even a white-supremacist) makes you a Jew.  Ask Vercingetorix,
he can spot them eons away.  So, by his logic, not only Jesus was
a Jew, but a Gay Jew.  Whow.

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