Dear Maura,
I saw your posting re. storing fungal cultures. We are Red River
Scientific, a small company based in Plano, Texas (near Dallas). One
product we have available is "PROTECT." This a an acid washed ceramic
bead with a very large surface area immersed in TSB with glycerol and a
hypotonic addative.
You simply add your organism, drain the liquid and freeze the vial
containing the beads. When you need to do a sub-culture, simply remove
one bead and streak it to a media plate or drop it into an appropriate
broth. The beads cost approx. 5 cents each, and 1,250 stock cultures
takes up 39 square inches.
Should you like literature and/or samples, please call us at (800)
862-8345 or e-mail us at REDRIVR at
Best regards, Jim Roberts