Correction : Training and Courses in Food Microbiology

Stichting Effi ralf.hartemink at algemeen.lenm.wau.nl
Tue Jul 8 14:44:21 EST 1997

In the following mail there was an error  in our homepage url :

The Wageningen, The Netherlands, based Stichting Effi is specialized
in training and courses in food microbiology. Courses are held on our
premises or at the company itself. As we are a non-profit organization
we offer competitive prices.

Our specialities are HACCP, households, catering and hygiene in the
food industry.

For more information (in Dutch) see our homepage :
http://www1.tip.nl/t397196/effi.htm  (NOT effihome.htm)
or mail to :
Rijjkelt.Beumer at Algemeen.lenm.wau.nl

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