Magnetic Effects

Adam Reed arreed at erinet.com
Tue Feb 25 00:49:54 EST 1997

There does seem to so question as to the effect of magnetic imaging.  Just
try and get an MRI on a pregnant women.  All the MRI facilities in my area
refuse to do one on a pregnant patient and the reason that was given was
that "they do not know the long term effects of the MRI."  There seems to
be a question as to gamma radiation being produced from the patient during
an MRI.

Adam G. Reed, D.C

"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them ." 

"Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being true ." 
Richard Bach 

Achim Recktenwald, PhD <achim at ibex.ca> wrote in article
<33119347.2596 at ibex.ca>...
> W.E. Chan wrote:
> > 
> > What are the effects of a strong magnetic field on the human body?
> > 
> > Erwin Chan
> Since I never heard of any negative side-effects of Magnetic Resonance
> Scanners on humans, I assume nothing serious.
> Achim

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