Summary: Screening for Amp(s) bacteria.

Rafael Maldonado rafael at howard.genetics.utah.edu
Wed Feb 19 19:10:50 EST 1997

Thank you to all who answer to me about this question. The paper I was 
looking for is for screening for Amp(s) in E coli, specifically those E. 
coli not containing pBR322 derivatives. As George said, the paper is:

On 13 Feb 1997, Szatmari George wrote:
> Dear Rafa,
> The reference is Boyko and Ganshow 1982, Anal. Biochem 122: 85-88

Other papers are about other bacterial species, but they are interesting 
anyway. Thanks again.


Rafael Maldonado                             | 'No te creas todo 
room 6160 Eccles Institute of Human Genetics |  lo que leas en
Department of Human Genetics		     |  internet.'
University of Utah			     |
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Rafael.Maldonado at genetics.utah.edu           |  everything you read
Rafael at howard.genetics.utah.edu	             |  in internet."
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