Sorry, got it wrong. Sold via sensititre/almar; accumed international
co, westlake ohio.
Regarding my statement that it is resazurin, I found the supporting
reference :
Evaluation of bacterial survival and phagocyte function with a
fluorescence-based microplate assay
Shiloh MU, Ruan J, Nathan C
65: (8) 3193-3198 AUG 1997
Author: cnathan at
To compare antibacterial function in macrophages from mice deficient in
the respiratory burst oxidase or inducible nitric oxide
synthase, we developed a fluorescence-based microplate assay of
bacterial survival. iis bacteria grow, they convert a
formulation of resazurin termed AlamarBlue from its nonfluorescent
oxidized state to its fluorescent reduced state, The time
required to achieve a given fluorescence is inversely proportional to
the number of viable bacteria present when the dye is
added. This relationship allows a precise, accurate assessment of
bacterial numbers with greater sensitivity and throughput and
at less cost than conventional assays. The assay facilitated
quantification of the killing of Escherichia coli by
and hydrogen peroxide and of Salmonella typhimurium by human neutrophils
and mouse macrophages, Mouse macrophages
lacking the 91-kDa subunit of the respiratory burst oxidase were
deficient in their ability to kill S. typhimurium, while those
lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase were unimpaired.