Neira Rosero Nino PYP ICP ECP nrosero at INFANTAS.ECP.COM
Sat Jul 20 14:25:00 EST 1996

On 18 Jul 1996, ELIZABETH PRESCESKY wrote:

> Hello,
>     I was wondering if anyone had a procedure for staining marine 
> bacteria from water samples using DAPI.  
> Thanks in advance,
> Joy
Dear Joy:
I want to give you the following references about 
Epifluorescents counting bacteria from water samples:

1.  American Society for Testing and Materials.  1985.  Standard 
Fluorescence Microscopy Counting Procedure.  Publication D4455-85, Vol. 
11.02 Water (II).  Pages 632-935.  American Society for Testing and 
Materials, Philadelphia. > 

2.  KEPNER, R.L. and PRATT, J.R.  1994.  Use of Fluorochromes
for Direct Enumeration of Total Bacteria in Environmental Samples:  PAst 
and Present.  Microbiol. Rev., Vol. 58, No.4, pages 603-615.

In the last reference, you are going to find plenty information about 
DAPI staining.

Hope this is helpful.


Fanny Lucia Devia.
Research microbiologist at ICP.

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