
HlthReport hlthreport at aol.com
Mon Jul 15 15:12:48 EST 1996

I am a science writer working on a commentary for public radio on
cyclospora, the parasite that has caused about 1,000 cases of severe
diarrhea in 10 states.  The CDC has asked the public to vigorously wash
produce in tap water (chlorinated) with the idea that this may kill the
parasite.  The CDC says that little is known about cyclospora, but that it
appears to be similar to cryptosporidium. When I was in Peace Corps, I
grew accustomed to soaking produce in a solution of a couple of gallons of
water (boiled) plus an ounce or so of bleach.  It occurs to me that this
may be a wise move here, too, given the uncertainty with cyclospora. Or
would the washing in chlorinated tap water be enough?  The CDC tells me
that they don't know for sure.  I welcome all educated guesses.
You can e-mail me at hlthreport at aol or cgentry at ix.netcom.com.  Thank you.

Carol Gentry  

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