postdoctoral position in Zurich

Ursel Kues kues at micro.biol.ethz.ch
Sat Dec 21 14:25:12 EST 1996

Post-doctoral position available at the ETH Zurich to work in the 
project "Differentiation processes in the basidiomycete Coprinus 
Our group has been established in the last two years and is majorly 
interested in two differentiation processes: in asexual sporulation 
(oidiation) in mono- and in dikaryons and in fruitbody development in 
dikaryons. Both processes are under a complex regulatory control of 
mating types, light and nutritional conditions and we are studying 
these processes on genetical, molecular, cytological and physiological 
levels. We are looking now for an enthusiastic Post-Doc who would like 
to join our group and who is interested in differentiation in 
Coprinus. The open position is for at least one year and the salary 
will be app. 4000 franken a month.
For further information please contact:

U. Kues
Institut fur Mikrobiologie
ETH Zurich
Schmelzbergstr. 7
CH-8092 Zurich
e-mail: kues at micro.biol.ethz.ch
phone: 0041-1-632 4925
FAX: 0041-1-632 1148

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