promoter screening in pseudomonas

Michael Kertesz kertesz at micro.biol.ethz.ch
Fri Dec 20 04:27:51 EST 1996

I am looking at screening promoter activities of several genes from 
Pseudomonas which (unfortunately) are NOT expressed in E. coli. Does 
anyone have or know of a suitable promoter screening vector which is 
replicated in Pseudomonas strains (and, if possible, has transcriptional 
stops upstream  of the reporter gene, and a usable cloning site as 
Thanks a lot in advance, 

Michael Kertesz

CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

tel: +41-1-632 3357
fax: +41-1-632 1148
e-mail: kertesz at micro.biol.ethz.ch

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