POST DOCTORAL POSITION Station Biologique, Roscoff, France
Use of 16S rRNA fluorescent probes
to detect bacteria attached to toxic dinoflagellates
A post doctoral position is available immediately to study the bacteria that
are attached to toxic dinoflagellates and that have been recently implicated
in causing their toxicity. The approach taken is to detect the attached
bacteria with fluorescent oligonucleotides targeted to 16S rRNA. The
analysis technique will be flow cytometry. The work will include in
particular the following steps:
- Development of in situ hybridization protocol for bacteria attached to
dinoflagellates compatible with flow cytometry.
- Validation of a set of probes for different dinoflagellate bacteria
- Analysis of the association of bacteria to dinoflagellate.
- Analysis of the kinetics of bacterial attachment to dinoflagellates
This work will be carried out in collaboration with two european laboratory,
one responsible for bacteria and dinoflagellate isolation and the other for
bacterial rRNA gene sequencing.
This position is part of a European FAIR program starting in Feb. 1997.
The Station Biologique has two flow cytometers: an EPICS 541 fitted with
data acquisition electronics from CYTOMATION and a FACSsort. It has all
necessary facilities for Molecular Biology work and in particular 2
automatic VISTRA sequencers. Further information on the Station Biologique
can be obtained through the World Wide Web at the following address:
Starting date: no later than April 1, 1997
Duration: 24 months
Salary commensurate to a starting French CNRS scientist (roughly 11 000 F
per month)
Skills requested.
- Strong background in microbiology and molecular biology
- Strong experience with fluorescent rRNA probes
- Experience with bacteria and phytoplankton cultivation
- Working knowledge of flow cytometry
Interested candidates should send a CV and a list of publications by e-mail to:
Daniel Vaulot (vaulot at
Phytoplankton Group
Station Biologique BP 74, F29682 Roscoff FRANCE
Ph: 33 2 98 29 23 23 Fax: 33 2 98 29 23 24